Healthy Hormones Workshop Series
Suffering from painful periods, heavy bleeding, hormonal migraines, low energy? Or do you suspect, or have been diagnosed with a hormonal disease like endometriosis, fibroids or PCOS? Or looking to smoothly transition into perimenopause or menopause? This is a workshop for women in all stages of their cycle and is a foundational course to teach you how your body functions and what happens when things fall out of function. This is the introduction to a monthly functional nutrition and health coaching workshop on healthy hormones.
In this 2.5 hour workshop you can expect to :
- Gain a deeper understanding of your body, it’s role to help your hormones and strategies that can be used to assist in hormonal balance
- Understand the deep-rooted causes to hormonal imbalances and disruptors to hormones
- Understand the play of our stress hormone system and blood sugar system in hormonal balance
- Learn nutrition strategies, foods, herbs and supplements that support healthy hormonal balance
- And last , understand hormone testing available, what you should have tested and why. You will also have access to cutting edge functional labs I run in my own practice.
This is the first of a 12 part series. You will also have an option to ask your own hormone related questions in advance so Kari can have a response to your questions prepared. It will be lecture and question-based with plenty of time for tips and trouble shooting.
Kari suffered from endometriosis in her 20s and 30s and after undergoing her first surgery with the second one planned, thought there had to be a better way. She shrank her own cysts from 5 cm to below detection in 9 months by changing her diet, supplements, daily routine and some lifestyles changes. This was the impetus behind studying Functional Medicine Nutrition.She can’t wait to help you on your healing journey. There is hope! And plenty of strategies to help.
Bring a notebook or laptop if you like. There is no asana in this workshop.
12 Sundays 14:00 – 16:30 @Glockenbach
26.01, 23.02, 30.03, 13.04, 11.05, 29.06, 27.07, 31.08, 28.09, 26.10, 30.11, 14.12